
Zakieva Lilia Rinatovna

PhD, dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist, deputy chief physician of the MEDEL multidisciplinary clinic (Kazan city), member of the Russian Association of Interdisciplinary Anti-Aging Medicine (RUSIAM).


1990-1996: Kazan State Medical Institute, specialization "Pediatrics";

1996-1998: Kazan State Medical Academy, residency "Dermatovenereology";

01.06.2001: by the decision of the dissertation council of the Kazan State Medical University, was awarded with the PhD;

2003: advanced training "Public health and health care", Kazan State Medical Academy;

2010: professional retraining "Cosmetology", Kazan State Medical Institute;

2012: advanced training "Organization of quality control and medical care in hospitals", GBOU VPO "Kazan State Medical University";

2013: specialized courses in laser dermatology, cosmetology, State Scientific Center for Laser Medicine of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency (Moscow);

2015: advanced training "Internal control of the quality and safety of medical activities: the main issues of organization and activities", Federal State Budgetary Institution "Center for Monitoring and Clinical & Economic Expertise" of the Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare;

2016: advanced training in "Cosmetology", State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Izhevsk State Medical Academy" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation;

2018: CHOU DPO "RADO" advanced training "Dermatovenereology";

2019-2020: International Modular School Anti-Age Expert (Moscow and Paris).

About Anti-Aging Medicine:

As a cosmetologist and dermatologist, I was searching from the beginning of my professional activity for all kinds of systemic effects on the human body to restore it, even in cases of systemic widespread skin diseases (psoriasis, various forms of allergic reactions, bullous forms of dermatitis, severe forms of vulgar acne, etc.) So, in order to obtain a successful treatment result in each specific case it is necessary to find out the causes and mechanisms starting from the biochemical level that prompted the development of these insidious diseases. After all, any rash on our body is a kind of signal for help from one or another organ of our body.

By the nature of my practice and also working as a health care organizer and a specialist in quality control of medical care, I developed the ability of scientific and analytical thinking which helps me to study the mechanisms of development of certain diseases including aging processes. The constant improvement and the rapid leap of the scientific evidence-based medicine on a global scale, the erasure of boundaries in the world scientific community, the increasingly widespread introduction of electronic technologies in the study of the development of diseases including the processes of aging of the human body as well as the increase of the active life duration help me to get answers to many questions for a more complete recovery of the body and its release from diseases.

Cosmetology is a field of medicine about human beauty which can exist only in a healthy body. A beautiful, well-groomed woman should be active and caring. A man visiting a cosmetologist must become not only smooth with a beautiful lip shape, but also be self-sufficient, strong-willed, striving to conquer the impossible. Such people radiate active energy and with the age they develop a fruitful life.

The doctor together with patients should receive real pleasure from the first results of common work. Yes, you heard right, because the doctor shows the path to health and beauty, and you pave it yourself under his control. I think we will succeed, and as a reward we will be able to get a bright, fruitful active life.
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