
Ibragimova Zulai Ziyavdinovna

Dietitian, gastroenterologist, therapist, anti-aging practitioner, physiotherapist.


1998-2004: Dagestan State Medical University, qualification " General Medicine".

2005-2007: Univerzita Karlova v Praze (Prague, Czech Republic), practical training in "Therapy".

2008-2009: Dagestan State Medical University, internship, qualification "Therapy".

2009: Professional retraining in the field of dietology and nutriology, RUDN University, Moscow.

2015, 2020: Professional development in "Therapy", North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov., St. Petersburg.

2015: Professional development in "Dietology", North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov., St. Petersburg.

2015: Course "Modern Homotoxicology and Anti-Homotoxic Therapy", St. Petersburg Public Organization ’’Homeopathic Association".

2016: Professional retraining in the field of "Gastroenterology", North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov., St. Petersburg.

2016: A course on "Long-term consequences of birth injuries", AtlasPROfilax, Academy of Atlasprofilax, St. Petersburg.

2017: Cycle "Hirudotherapy by the method of Krashenyuk A.I.", Academy of Hirudotherapy, Institute of Social Medicine, Saint Petersburg.

2018: Professional retraining in the field of "Physiotherapy and health resort study", S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy, St. Petersburg.

2019: "Anti-Age EXPERT" module: regenerative medicine combined with classical anti-age, intercellular matrix, apoptosis, regeneration. Biodiagnostics of age-related changes and ways of correction, by Dr. Dorina Donici, Dr. Claude Dalle, Moscow.

2019: "Anti-Age EXPERT" module, "Osteoporosis, hormonal exhaustion, malnutritia, malabsorption and ABC of nutrition. Hunger: pros and cons. Diet: pros and cons. By Dr. Dorina Donici, Dr. Claude Dalle, Moscow.

2019: "Anti-Age EXPERT" School - Expert Level, Dr. Dorina Donici, Dr. Claude Dalle, Moscow.

2019-2020: "Anti -Age EXPERT" course, "Intestinal Microflora", Dr. Dorina Donici, Dr. Claude Dalle, Moscow.

2020: University Paris-Est-Créteil  (Paris, France), qualification "Anti-aging medicine doctor".

Professional achievements:

2017: Certificate of Merit to the best employee, "Kivach" clinic, Karelia.

2019: finalist in the nomination "Acknowledgement and Respect", SOGAZ Medicine Group of clinics, Saint Petersburg.

Participation in professional communities, conferences (also as a speaker).

2009: IX All-Russian Congress of dieting experts and nutritionists "Nutrition and Health".

2015: 17th International Baltic scientific forum, Scientific association of gastroenterologists.

2017: Congress "Topical issues of biotherapy".

Practical skills:

  • Outpatient therapeutic practice;

  • Doctor of anti-aging, adaptive medicine;

  • Treatment prescription (pharmacotherapy, organotherapy, herbal medicine, pharmacopuncture);

  • Management and development of programs on "Anti-Age", "Detox", "Weight Correction", "Metabolism Correction", "Antistress";

  • Management of patients with gastroenterological pathology, examination, prescription of therapy, monitoring of treatment efficiency;

  • Provision of qualified medical assistance in physiotherapy with modern methods of prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation;

  • Prescription and interpretation of various and innovative research methods;

  • Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis;

  • Identification and correction of deficiency and excessive conditions of vitamin and mineral profile;

  • Personal nutrition selection, management and adjustment of therapy programs;

  • Interpretation of genetic polymorphisms;

  • Treatment of patients who want to lose weight or gain/keep it, including patients with comorbid gastrointestinal and endocrine system diseases, etc.;

  • Hirudotherapy by the method of Krashenyuk A.I.

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