
Kalashnikova Oksana Yurievna

Dentist, orthopedic implantologist, gnathologist, maxillofacial surgeon, specialist in aesthetic dentistry, candidate of medical sciences, doctor of the highest category, integrative interdisciplinary anti-aging medicine practitioner.


1986-1991: Moscow Medical Stomatological Institute (MMSI) named after N A Semashko; Specialization: "Dentist".

1991-1993: residency at the Department of Dentistry Orthopedics at MMSI named after N A Semashko

1995-1997: training at the Chicago Center for Contemporary Dentistry, specialization "Dental Implantology, Surgery, Orthopedics". 

1996-2000: work on Ph.D. thesis at the Central Military Clinical Hospital named after V.A. Vishnevsky and thesis defense at the Department of Surgical Dentistry and Implantology, Moscow Medical Institute named after N. Semashko on the topic "Predicting possible complications of dental implantation in patients with concomitant diseases of the cardiovascular system and metabolic disorders." The work was defended in two specialties - "Dentistry" and "Biochemistry”.

2000: diploma of the candidate of medical sciences VAK of Russia.

2001-2003: specialization and advanced training under the program "Surgical dentistry and dental implantology" of FMBA of Russia and CIATD MO of Russia (Moscow).

2008-2011: studies and exams under the international trainers certification program, University in Gothenburg, Sweden and "ASTRA-TESN".

2000-2020: mandatory certification and confirmation of certificates of a specialist in orthopedic dentistry, surgical dentistry and maxillary surgery.

2016-2020: Anti-Age Expert expert and modular schools (Paris, France), state type French diploma.

About Anti-Age Expert School:

The participation in the international project Anti-Age Expert helped me to confirm my own thoughts and skills, gained as a result of long observation, reflection, study and clinical practice.

Being a doctor, my desire to improve the patient's appearance, to restore his natural attractiveness and youthfulness has always been associated with a general understanding not only of the quality of life, but also the importance of some specific details that may be components of a happy life. I thought about this since my childhood as I was surrounded by scientific medical discussions, because I grew up in a medical family. I remember well the academic atmosphere, books, conversations of my father's friends about medicine, the desire to help a patient or colleague in a difficult situation.

Obviously, a person's appearance is naturally and inextricably linked to his health! And the attitude towards his health, of course, is inextricably linked with his worldview and attitude towards his environment. The concept of "biostomatology" appeared not so long ago, but it became an ideology for me to create a treatment plan. Knowledge in this area allows you to use the right materials and techniques for treatment.

Planning a long-term stable treatment result, the possibility of rehabilitation of difficult patients with already existing general pathology has become a daily practice.

The participation in Expert Schools made possible to clearly systematize those new knowledge and secrets of treatment, which were so generously shared by the magnificent and unique lecturers of the Anti-Age Expert project. This also concerned the possibilities of modern laboratory diagnostics, and medical integrative genetics, complex correlations, that unfortunately, are not often used in the traditional medicine.

The received information has become an understandable "roadmap" for working with a maximum of knowledge in fundamental medical disciplines and daily practical work, valuable skills and algorithms for treating difficult patients, important diagnostic schemes containing new secrets for doctor's practice, without which it is impossible to be a modern specialist.

The international experience of our colleagues and the quintessence of our knowledge allow us to do the prevention using all the modern achievements of integrative medicine. This international project that attracts doctors of all specialties, and which makes possible to apply in practice interdisciplinary approach and to think integratively is actually unique.

Therefore, as a doctor of a very specific specialty, the accumulated medical experience and the most modern knowledge gained in this project allow me to implement a truly personalized approach of 5P to each patient. It makes possible to prevent serious diseases at the earliest stages: for example, how to treat, or better prevent, such unpleasant phenomena as bone atrophy of the jaw, loss of teeth, bad breath...

Knowledge of markers, which are often present in the oral cavity even for 10 years and are able to widely reveal a future patient problem. Today we know, based on the latest scientific researches, that the problems of diseased teeth can cause disorders of the heart, kidneys, joints, brain - neurodegenerative diseases, and many others. Real opportunities are opening up for the treatment of difficult cases that requires an individual and interdisciplinary approach.

Every doctor knows that it is easier to prevent any disease than to cure it later. Unfortunately, actually it is not possible to completely cure many diseases. But the quality of life, even with acquired dysfunctions, can be improved! Therefore, the task of a modern doctor is also to find the levers that will help to switch the lives of our patients to other tracks.

How to make it possible, how to avoid some family diseases? How to prescribe the correct treatment? How to think about your health from early childhood, and most importantly, about the health of the future generations? What medicines to take and what techniques to use in order to be always satisfied by your appearance? After all, it is important to keep your health for as long as possible. You just need to know how to do it!

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